A data item in Blue Prism is used to store and manipulate data throughout a process. It is a container that holds a value or a reference to a value, which can be updated and passed between stages in a process. Here is an example of defining a data item and assigning a value to it using Blue Prism's Expression Editor:
Name: MyDataItem
Type: Text
Initial Value: "Hello, world!"
Once defined, the data item can be used in other stages of the process. Here is an example of using a data item in an Action stage to display a message box:
Action: Message Box
Text: "{MyDataItem}"
In Blue Prism, a utility object is a reusable component that encapsulates common functionality or operations to be used across multiple processes or within a single process. Utility objects are created and managed within Blue Prism's Object Studio, and they serve several purposes:
SDD – Solution Design Document (SDD) is used to define the holistic blue prism automation process that is derived completely in the process definition document.
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